
One-on-one sessions are great if you'd like to work on a specific situation in your life or experience an energetic Symphony session that will ripple out into your future with new possibilities.

I'm currently offering a special rate on Symphony Sessions, the newest addition to my Access skill set!


Is there anything in your life that you'd like to change or have more ease with?

In a facilitation session, a facilitator will ask you some questions so that you can get more clear in your own awareness of a situation and know what other choices you have for something different.

You may also get some pragmatic tools that you can start using to have more ease with the situation and in your life as well.

Symphony Training Sessions

Symphony sessions are energetic sessions that involve getting really present with the energies in your space and in your life and asking for a shift in the energies that will allow a shift in the trajectory of your life while also allowing you to become more present in your own life.

You could almost think of a Symphony session as a sort of meditation that allows you to relax and when you open your eyes, things will be a little bit different energetically as you head down the path towards a different future.

I'm currently offering a special promotion on these "training sessions" since it's the newest Access session that I've recently started to offer.